One thing that every inverter owner learns sooner or later is that inverters need water. This information can raise a lot of questions. Why do we need to put water in inverter battery? How much water is needed? What happens if the inverter battery water is high? Is it dangerous? And so on.
In this article we will discuss why inverter battery water is important, which water is used in inverter battery, and a few dos and don’ts for filling water in your inverter.
Why Inverter Battery Needs Water?
Inverters work on chemical reactions to convert DC into AC current and power your devices. But as it happens with chemical reactions, they seldom work at maximum capacity without any issues.
Acid is used in the chemical reactions and its rate decreases as it becomes concentrated over time. This happens due to the lack of water inside the battery chamber to create an optimal balance between acid and water. A decrease in rate decreases the output levels of the inverter level as well.
The acid used inside inverters is generally diluted sulphuric acid. You should keep the water level topped off in the inverter always to ensure that the sulphuric acid is diluted enough and doesn’t lose its efficiency over time.
However, not just any water should pe poured into the inverter. It is advised to use only distilled water for inverter battery. Why? Keep reading.
What is Distilled Water?
Distilled water is nothing but the purest form of water. It’s so pure that it doesn’t even contain ions that regular water does. Due to this nature, distilled water has many uses, including replenishing inverter batteries, car batteries, applications in medicine, etc.
Why Use Distilled Water for Inverter Batteries?
Regular water has ions in it. If you use regular drinking water for your batteries, the ions will clog the electrodes, form a layer, and inhibit the chemical reactions that produce the current. If the water contains organic compounds or dust particles, the chemical reactions that produce energy in the batteries will be hampered.
Distilled water is free of these ions, and hence, causes no problems for the electrodes. This is the reason why, when it comes to inverter battery water, using only distilled water is suggested. It ensures smooth functioning of the batteries.
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Where Can I Find Distilled Water for Battery Near Me?
Although you can make distilled water at home, it can be an exhaustive process and you might be better off heading to the nearest supermarket and buying a gallon of distilled water.
When to Put Water in an Inverter and How Much is Enough?
There is an indicator for inverter battery water filler level present on every battery. If the indicator is at the “Green” mark, you have adequate water in the inverter, and it is completely topped off. If it is at the “Red” mark, the water is below the advised level and a top-up is required.
Always make sure that the level is below the Green mark and above the Red mark. If it goes below Red, the acid is too concentrated, and the inverter can’t perform at its highest level. If the water level is above the Green level, the acid has diluted too much, and it can affect its working as well.
Steps Involved in Filling Distilled Water in the Inverter Battery:
With the above image’s help and the steps mentioned below, you will quickly learn to fill distilled water in your inverter battery.
Step 1: Check the level of distilled water in the battery with the aid of the water level indications. These water level indicators specify the amount of distilled water that is present in the inverter battery. While the lower level has a red mark, the upper level has a green mark.
Step 2: If the water level is low, as indicated by the red mark, it is time to fill water. But, before you start, make sure that you turn off the inverter and the power socket switch. You wouldn’t want any mishaps.
Step 3: Then, remove the water topping vent plugs by twisting it in an anticlockwise direction.
Step 4: Once you have removed the vent plug, place a funnel in the hole (you can model a make-shift funnel using the top half of a pet bottle) and slowly pour the distilled water into the chamber.
Step 5: Continue this process for all the chambers. You can measure the level of water filled by placing the vent plus back in the hole and fill it up till it reaches the green mark.
Step 6: Once that is done, place the vent plug back and twist it in a clockwise direction to close the chamber. Repeat this process in the same manner for all the chambers.
Step 7: Finally, clean or wipe the battery, the vent plugs, and the water level indicators with a clean cloth.
Once you have finished filling distilled water in the battery, you can turn the power back on.
To help you further, below is a list of dos and don’ts you need to be wary of if you own an inverter battery.
- Use only distilled water for your inverter battery.
- Check the level of distilled water in your battery every month.
- Wear gloves while filling distilled water in the battery.
- Set a smartphone reminder at regular intervals that provide you notifications about the water levels.
- Avoid overfilling or underfilling distilled water in the inverter battery.
- Allow the water to leak out of the chambers.
- Use RO water or any other filtered water as a replacement for distilled water.
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An inverter is an important appliance for any modern home, especially if you experience regular power outages. It can not only keep your lights and fans running during an outage, but also power other appliances if required. Just remember that for your inverter battery, distilled water is the only water you can use.