Like many developed nations, India is increasingly leaning towards clean and green solar energy, as more people are realizing how it can benefit the environment and their financial situation. And with multiple manufacturers and dealers in the market today, installing solar panels at homes, offices and factories has become simpler than ever. Plus, solar systems have become quite cost-effective, as a recent report shows that a rooftop solar installation of 1kW will cost around Rs. 22,000 in Punjab.
Still wondering how exactly can solar energy help the environment and your wallet? Continue to read.
Zero Pollution Created
The quality of outdoor air in India is already under threat, thanks to the widespread use of fossil fuels for generating electricity. The excessive production of methane and carbon dioxide can not only cause respiratory problems, but also cancer and cardiovascular diseases. However, solar energy and environmental benefits go hand in hand. Using the sun’s energy causes no pollution at all, which is good for the future generation too.
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Minimum Water Wasted
Life will cease to exist without water, and especially freshwater. Unfortunately though, freshwater is not abundant in India. And conventional production of electricity is a big reason behind this problem. It needs a lot of water to cool generators, transport fuel through pipes, and process and refine fuel. Solar panels, on the other hand, use photovoltaic cells and don’t need water for electricity generation.
Self-Sufficiency Increases
Going solar can reduce your dependence on the grid and make you more self-sufficient when it comes to power needs. Plus, any excess electricity generated by your solar system can be sent back to the grid, and you can get paid for that!
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Carbon Footprint Reduces
Here is another solar energy impact on environment you cannot ignore. As it is absolutely clean and renewable, solar energy helps reduce your carbon footprint. How? Well, solar panels don’t need water to produce electricity and don’t emit harmful gases when they function.
Fossil Fuel Usage Reduces
As fossil fuels are non-renewable energy sources, they will get exhausted one day. The sun, however, will continue to shine and produce energy for billions of years. Any residential or commercial establishment that has the right kind of space to install solar panels and receive ample sunlight can make use of this energy. If you depend less on finite energy sources, it will lower the energy prices, reduce pollution and create a secure future where everyone has access to energy.
Flexibility Increases
Even remote locations in India can benefit from solar installations. As various types of solar power systems are available, they can be installed literally anywhere, as long as there is good exposure to sunlight. They can be installed both vertically and horizontally. Using solar panels will be cheaper in remote towns or villages than setting up electrical distribution lines.
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Greenhouse Effect Declines
During traditional electricity production (based on fossil fuels), harmful gases such as methane and carbon dioxide are released. Apart from causing pollution, these gases enhance the greenhouse effect by spiking the earth’s temperature. The climate change that follows is responsible for melting ice caps and making the atmosphere unsuitable for our wellness. Since using solar energy causes no pollution, it is a great alternative to fossil fuels, and can lower the greenhouse effect.
More Money Is Saved
As mentioned before, solar panel prices have declined recently in India, making it easier for both households and commercial entities to choose this green energy source. While Punjab is the forerunner in this regard, other states might soon follow.
To understand how you can save money with solar energy, you should know that a rooftop installation of 1kW can run around 4 each of LED lights and fans. 5 units of power generated by it can last for 8 hours approximately. While the total initial cost of this installation will be around Rs. 1 lakh, it will last for more than a decade.
Also, according to the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE), rooftop installations that go up to 3kW will be eligible for 40% subsidy. For installations bigger than this, the subsidy will be 40% till 3kW, and 20% for the rest of the capacity.
Moreover, solar panels bought from a reliable manufacturer need minimal maintenance and can last even for 25 years! So, it is the perfect long-term investment for your energy needs.
So, you have many reasons to choose solar power for your electricity needs. From helping the environment to becoming more self-reliant to saving money in the long run, the sun’s energy has many benefits.
Are you ready to know all about solar panels, their benefits and costs? Email to info.innovation@genus.in or visit www.genusinnovaton.com to get answers to all your questions.