The path to making your home run entirely on sustainable energy with a cost-effective and long-lasting rooftop solar system can certainly be a bit intimidating, especially if you do not enjoy doing the calculations. Given our passion for energising lives across the world, we are determined to make the process of installing a solar system on your roof as painless as possible. Consequently, we have compiled a list of all the rooftop solar system components you must learn about.
Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Panels
Solar panels are another key component which when wired together for maximum efficiency form a solar array. Generally, solar panels come in the capacity range of 40 Wp to 390 Wp. These panels are used to form arrays that are compatible with the capacity of the solar plant.
Also Read: Understanding the Design of a Solar PV System Made Easy
Battery Charge Controller
Most solar systems come with battery backup powered by a diesel generator, wind turbine, or an inverter to prepare for cloudy days or nights, or days with a dull sun. The battery charge controller is an inexpensive but crucial part of the solar system that prevents batteries from being overcharged. Also, it keeps the backup batteries from discharging back through the solar system during the night.
Solar Power System Inverter
Considering that household appliances run on AC and solar panels produce DC, you need a solar inverter as part of your rooftop power generation system to provide you with usable 220V AC, 240V AC, or 115V AC. It is also recommended that you purchase an inverter that is lightweight and has an inbuilt charge controller and remote monitoring capabilities, as well.
Also Read: Inverter Buying Guide—Top Factors to Consider for Your Workspace
Solar Power System Disconnects
This electrical switch is a vital piece of rooftop solar system equipment. Using the solar power system disconnects, you will be able to shut off the DC supply from the solar system when you want to make repairs or if there is an issue with the system. Make sure that the solar power system disconnects you get can withstand the power of your panels on a day when the sun is bright.
Deep Cycle Batteries
Using deep cycle battery storage, you can guarantee that your lights will stay on throughout the day irrespective of the amount of sunlight available. While purchasing these batteries, make sure that you get one that can withstand the numerous charging and discharging cycles that they have to undergo.
Solar Power Meter
While this piece of equipment is not compulsory, we have included it here because it can tell you how much money your rooftop solar components are saving you. Moreover, you can use the insights from the system power metre to boost the efficiency of your installation and reach its maximum capacity.
Having your home run on sustainable and cost-effective solar is easier than ever before. At Genus, we have you covered irrespective of whether you plan on assembling the equipment needed for rooftop solar or buying a readymade solar system and having a professional install it for you.
No matter what you prefer, remember that a lifetime of low energy costs and the ability to make extra money selling the excess energy you produce to your utility company is well within your grasp.