Imagine a technology that allows you to power your devices, has long-lasting durability and uses a resource that’s available in unlimited abundance. Well, that’s exactly what solar solutions for homes do. But that’s not even the best part. Since you’re running your devices on, essentially, sunlight, you don’t have to worry about drawing power from the grid. And that also means you don’t get any bills dropped on the doorstep at the end of the month.
Or even if you do, the amount due is far more affordable. Not convinced? Well, here’s a breakdown of how much you can save with a solar system for home.
How Much Can You Save With Solar Solutions
Solar electricity, as it currently stands, is rarely used on its own. Most homeowners have a hybrid system installed in place, in which, part of power is drawn from the transmission lines and part from the panels.
So, you’ll still get a bill at the end of the month. But the real question is, how much?
Well, let’s illustrate it with an example.
Say, you have a 5kW rooftop solar system. Also, let’s assume that a 1kW system produces approximately 4 units over average power in a day. So, mathematically, a 5kW system will be capable of producing 20 units/day or approximately 600 units per month. That’s 600kWh that you receive from pure sunlight.
As per the current tariff, a unit of electricity sets you back around Rs. 5.50. So, practically, 600 units of energy from solar solutions will save you Rs. 3,000.
So, for instance, if your monthly bill is Rs. 3,300, you’ll only have to pay Rs. 300. If it’s Rs. 7,000, you’d only pay Rs. 4,000. And this is just for a 5kW system. If you buy a system with greater capacity, you can save even more.
But here’s something even better – net metering. In a hybrid connection, you also have the option of earning money through solar power generation. Continuing the previous example, if your bill for the month is Rs. 2,000, you can send the extra Rs. 1000 worth of energy to the power grid, and get that money in return from the distribution licensee (DISCOM).
It allows you to get compensated for any surplus energy you generate. So, not only are you saving money, but also earning it.
Go solar the right way with Genus’s best-in-class Genus solar inverter and unlock a new tier of electricity savings.
How Long Before Your Break Even with Solar Solutions
As you may have surmised, solar solutions open up many avenues for saving money. But there’s always a catch. And in this case, it’s the initial installation costs. Yes, you need to shell out a considerable amount to get a solar electricity setup installed and running.
For a 5kW system, with an average amount of savings, you can expect to break even in 4-5 years. However, nowadays, the government has introduced many subsidies for those looking to go solar, enabling you to purchase solar systems at a way cheaper price. So, taking these subsidies into account, you can recover the expense in just 2-3 years.
Other Benefits of Solar Solutions
Though solar products for home have benefits for both utilities and consumers, it also helps keep the environment a bit cleaner and greener. The majority of energy generation in India happens via coal-based facilities. Not only is coal non-renewable energy, it’s processing for power generation also releases harmful elements into the atmosphere.
In the case of solar energy, there are no fossil fuels involved (sunlight being the only resource used here), and there is no possibility of harmful emissions. This contributes positively to reducing the overall carbon footprint.
Your Turn
Now you know how much you can save every month with solar solutions, and how long it’ll take you to break even. So, depending on your finances, you can now make an informed decision regarding whether you need a rooftop solar system or not.
If you do decide to install one, Genus Innovation, with our premium-quality solar products, is here to help you out. Connect with us today to learn more about our solar products.